بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم






Half Adders

A half adder is designed to combine two binary digits and produce a carry. So, it has two inputs bits and can generate a sum bit plus a carry. So there should be two bits of output.

  • Data inputs: 2 (call them x and y)
  • Outputs: 2 (call them s, for sum, and c, for carry)


Truth table and two logic blocks for HA:



Full Adders:

Full adder becomes necessary when a carry input must be added to the two binary digits to obtain the correct sum. A half adder has no input for carries from previous circuits.

Characteristics of FA:

  • Data inputs: 3 (call them x, y, and cin, for carry in)
  • Outputs: 2 (call them s, for sum, and cout, for carry out)

Truth table and two logic blocks for FA:


Number Systems

    - Conventional Number System


         >Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal

         >Number Base Conversion

    - Unconventional Number System

         >Roman Number System

         >Signed Digit Number System

         >Binary SD Number System

Fast Addition

    - Half and Full Adders

    - Ripple Carry Adder

    - Carry Look-Ahead Adders

Fast Multiplication

    - Carry Save Adders

    - Additive & Non-additive Multiplier

    - Counters