بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم







This Web Site was created as a term project for the EE-541 Design of Digital Systems course of the Electrical Engineering Department at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.

In this course, we study Computer arithmetic and architecture. This site is intended as lecture notes to the next students who will study this course; it is also very benificial to those who are interested in the design of digital systems . Furthermore, it contains substantially important information and links to help students in their study and preparation for exams.

We are looking forward to have your feedback in how to make this site better especially if you have any ideas about how to make it clearer and better.

Run Through our website and enjoy it.

Hussain A. Al-Askari


Number Systems

    - Conventional Number System


         >Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal

         >Number Base Conversion

    - Unconventional Number System

         >Roman Number System

         >Signed Digit Number System

         >Binary SD Number System

Fast Addition

    - Half and Full Adders

    - Ripple Carry Adder

    - Carry Look-Ahead Adders

Fast Multiplication

    - Carry Save Adders

    - Additive & Non-additive Multiplier

    - Counters